5 Benefits of Keeping a Clean House in Franklin, TN

by gabe - September 13, 2016

Benefits of a Clean House

When the house is clean, the whole family feels good.  When you wake up in the morning and walk through a clean living room, it relieves stress and allows the rest of the day to be productive. And fun! Did you ever stop to wonder what the benefits of a clean house are, and why it is as important as it feels?  Let’s take a deep look at some of the benefits you will see for house cleaning in Franklin, TN.

House Cleaning in Franklin, TN
Goodbye Mold and Dust

Franklin can get extremely humid in the summertime. It’s why so many siding houses have large spots of algae growing on them. If a house does not get a good scrubbing, a similar health hazard arises – mold.  Mold can grow on the walls, ceiling, windows, floor, bathroom, basement, and so on. Mold is typically caused by humid conditions and grows well in cluttered or dark area.  Keep these conditions clean! Otherwise, it can cause serious breathing problems and spark allergies in your family.  If the weather is particularly humid, the house requires more attention than ever – mold needs moisture to thrive.

It is typical to see windows covered in condensation because of the moisture in the air.   This condensation gets on window frames, and can develop into serious mold problems.  If a window in a bedroom does not get proper cleaning, those sleeping in the room can end up inhaling the mold for while they sleep.  All windows need attention, even though it feels like a bit of a hassle to deal with what’s behind the curtain.

The other big issue when cleaning is not done is dust.  Dust can cause allergies and breathing struggles just as well as mold.  This article is especially timely as the pollen rating in Franklin over the past couple weeks have been higher than normal. Every inch of the house needs a good dusting.  Don’t forget about those pesky ceiling fan blades!

Increased Productivity

In a messy environment, everything around is a distraction.  Sitting at a desk trying to work, but noticing the cobweb in the corner can be distracting from the your time at home.  If there are messy piles all over a room, it might be challenging to even fall asleep at night thinking about the work that lays ahead of you the next day or general anxiety you might feel from not having a clean house.

In a family with children, having a mess can even be distracting to the kids.  As a parent or guardian, you know it doesn’t take much to distract a child.  There certainly does not need to be any help in the distraction department.

Better Mood

Seeing a messy house can cause stress.  If the house is clean, the mind can have a moment of ease.  Feeling as though the mess is closing in can be overwhelming.  A clean house can help with a clear mind.

More Family Time

If the living room is a mess, no one wants to spend time in there!  If the areas in the home that encourage the family to spend time together are cluttered, everyone is likely to go to their separate corners.  This can cause the family to spend less and less time together.  In order to have room for family game night, movie nights, or even to have room to invite the cousins over to play, the living room and common spaces need to be kept pristine.

The good news with all of this is that you don’t have stress out about taking hours from you weekly schedule to try keeping up with household chores. Instead, you can actually get outside and enjoy the awesome things to do in Franklin, TN  over the weekend. Reclaim your free time and let us make sure your house is in pristine condition. One favorite of mine (with two small children) in Franklin that I will do (once the House is clean mind you) is to walk around downtown, grab a piece of pizza at the Mellow Mushroom, and, if behavior is good, get ice cream on the other side of the street in down-town Franklin.