Best Occasions to give the Gift of House Cleaning

by gabe - August 24, 2016

A housecleaning is one of the greatest and least used gifts. It takes the weight off of the shoulders of those typically stuck spending all of their free time cleaning (who is likely to be a loved one).  What time is best to give a housecleaning as a gift?  What time is best to get that housecleaning, as the person stuck doing the cleaning?  In this post, we are going to explore the six most wonderful occasions to get a housecleaning – as a gift!

1.    Holiday season – Oh no, the holiday season! For every family, prepping the house for the holiday season is crazy.  No matter how much you clean, the house is a mess once again.  With mom and the in-laws coming, maybe even your sister and her three kids, you know the house is about to be a mess for a decent amount of time.  Even the spare rooms are a mess now.  As the holidays come to a close and family goes home, you’re back to work again.  When is there time to really clean up after all the chaos?  Is it ever back to the way it used to be?
2.    Thanksgiving – While most people end up bringing far too many expensive cakes and desserts to say thank you for hosting Thanksgiving, it would be better to get a housecleaning!  Once the meal is over, the kitchen is such a mess it’s hard to remember what it’s supposed to look like.  Wouldn’t it be great to receive a housecleaning instead of 3 pumpkin pies?
3.    Anniversary – Imagine getting breakfast in bed and your significant other surprising you with a house cleaning, rather than another material possession.  The idea is more thoughtful, and gives you the relaxed, romantic day you deserve. Bonus points here if you can keep your spouse in bed for the entire breakfast plus their favorite movie – which will take just about exactly the same time as the Tennessee Tidy Maid will be at the house.
4.    Your day off! – Everyone ends up spending his or her days off from work frantically trying to make the house look nicer, because when else is there to get it done?  No matter how much you try to tidy up after work, it somehow just still does not do enough.  It takes too much time!  Imagine actually having a day off to either run errands or to just sit on the couch and relax!  A housecleaning would alleviate the stress of cleaning the house, and opens up an entire day of opportunity.
5.    Easter – If the Easter bunny would show up with a spring-cleaning, wouldn’t that be wonderful?  Since things have been closed up all winter, the house somehow manages to be dirtier than ever.  Spring-cleaning takes a lot of work and time to accomplish.  It would be greatly relieving not to need to worry about this.  If you need a spring cleaning, go ahead and select deep clean on our bookings page.
6.    AS A SURPRISE – Nothing is better than a surprise housecleaning.  You come home from work, go to grab the vacuum, and two steps behind you is the house cleaner coming to do the work for you.  That would be perfect, wouldn’t it?  No matter what day it is, what time it is, or what’s going on, receiving a housecleaning is an awesome feeling! The gift receiver just freed up about 3 hours of their time that it would will a TN Tidy Maid to clean the entire house.

7.    Birthdays – Your significant other might have just gotten a great birthday present, but how could they enjoy it knowing they had a messy house? Instead of just getting them their new toy, group that together with a house cleaning so they can enjoy their whole day as the birthday boy or girl.

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